Communal norms and practices that bring beauty and power to your body life witness.
Body Life Witness happens whenever a non-Christian encounters the gospel as it is proclaimed and/or embodied in the communal life of a Christ-centered community.
Key Body Life Practices
Since coming to Christ involves an individual human body coming into the body of Christ, the practice of inviting takes on fundamental evangelistic importance.
Confession & Authenticity
When Christians openly confess sin, struggles, weaknesses, and failures they reveal the essential storyline of the gospel— that we are broken people in need of a savior.
Since coming to Christ involves an individual human body coming into the body of Christ, the practice of welcoming takes on fundamental importance.
Incarnation & Closing the Distance
Christians embody essential elements of the gospel when they follow Jesus’ example of closing the distance between their Christian community and those who do not yet know Christ.