Good news. Your movement already practices one of the most fruitful forms of evangelism.
Our aim is to help you understand it better and sharpen some key practices, together.
Each of the 4 training sessions features a Body Life Practice.
The numbers represent the recommended order.
Each training lasts between 40mins and 1 hour.
Familiarize yourself with the content before you facilitate it. Consider inviting others to take turns to create greater group ownership.
While you may be the person responsible for initiating this training, the Holy Spirit will be the one who changes hearts.
Think about your campus movement cycles of momentum. What timing fits with your rhythms?
Remember this training is flexible and can be used in many contexts. Which context is best for your movement?
leadership training
Small group discipleship
a 4 week, action-oriented Bible Study
large group focus on evangelism
What might you set up the environment to be comfortable, special, and welcoming? Make sure to consider your noise environment.
Videos often guide the training. This training is designed for participants to follow along on their own mobile device. Larger groups should consider showing some videos on a larger screen
You are a friendly guide. The questions are designed for open conversation and self-discovered learning.
Pay attention to:
Timing. Recommended times are always in red. Keep things moving.
Dominance. Is one voice (including yours) talking too much? How can you invite others to share?
The Vibe. Don’t force people to go where they aren’t comfortable. You might ask something like this, “Would anyone be willing to share their micro-testimony?” vs. “let’s all go around and share our micro-testimonies.”
This is not a ‘one and done’ training to check off. These practices are like exercise— they grow in strength over time with repetition. Consider the below ideas to make them stick.
Stories. What real stories and examples can you movement gather around that represent the best of Body Life Witness? Do you have under-recognized students who are exemplars when it comes to Body Life practices such as welcoming and inviting? Give them a platform and tell their story to the rest of the movement as examples of faithful witness.
Be concrete. How to Body Life training practices will remain “good ideas” until you root them in reality. What concrete changes or initiatives will you implement as a movement that will change the culture of your movement?
Be simple. What are some simple phrases and mantras you can say and memorize as movement leaders? They should be easy to remember and reinforce Body Life witness language and practices.
ex) “We all long to belong. So everyone is greeted every time we gather.”
ex) “Jesus closed the distance and moved toward us. Who do we need to move toward this week?’
ex) “It’s not ‘me and Jesus,’ but ‘we and Jesus.’”
Be comprehensive. How To Body Life is only one part of a more comprehensive picture of how Cru teaches others to share the gospel. Root your movement in these other modes of evangelism for the greatest impact.
Here’s a curated list of additional gospel resources
Stories. What real stories and examples can you movement gather around that represent the best of Body Life Witness?
Do you have under-recognized students who are exemplars when it comes to Body Life practices such as welcoming and inviting? Give them a platform and tell their story to the rest of the movement as examples of faithful witness.
Be concrete. How to Body Life training practices will remain “good ideas” until you root them in reality. What concrete changes or initiatives will you implement as a movement that will change the culture of your movement?
Be simple. What are some simple phrases and mantras you can say and memorize as movement leaders? They should be easy to remember and reinforce Body Life witness language and practices.
ex) “We all long to belong. So everyone is greeted every time we gather.”
ex) “Jesus closed the distance and moved toward us. Who do we need to move toward this week?’
ex) “It’s not ‘me and Jesus,’ but ‘we and Jesus.’”
How To Body Life is only one part of a more comprehensive picture of how Cru teaches others to share the gospel. Root your movement in these other modes of evangelism for the greatest impact.
Here’s a curated list of additional gospel resources