The process of leading someone to Christ occurs in three distinct relational contexts.

We pass by people we don’t know every day. What if God is whispering to us to stop and lovingly share some good news?

“Ministry mode” involves the intentional outreach of a Christian to a person with whom there is no pre-existing relationship.

You are naturally connected to certain people in your life. You have common interests, you come from the same place. You might be friends or family together. Sharing the most important parts of our life draws us closer together.

“Natural mode” involves the intentional outreach of a Christian to a person with whom there is a pre-existing relationship.

Christianity is more than a true set of principles. It is incarnational— God coming and being among us.

“Body mode” focuses on the relationship between “a non-Christian” and “the body of Christ” and occurs whenever a non-Christian encounters the gospel as it is spoken and lived out in the communal life of a group of Christians.