What happens when we let students lead the way?

Meet the alpha design team


• Ana Maria

•Jon Gabriel









•Rachel • Ana Maria •Jon Gabriel •Nate •Mike •Meagan •Chris •Pat •Eric •Shawn •Lorenna

This project was created by students, for students. Cru staff provided an initial framework and have provided guidance along the way.

Meet Kate

We met Kate by way of a Cru Mission trip with Filter of Hope— a beautiful environment to see Body Life Witness on display.

We told her about this project. She was curious if her animation skills could help. We threw her a rough script and this is what she designed.

Pretty awesome. Thanks Kate!

Kate is studying animation at the Univeristy of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

student animator Kate Seymour is studying animation at the Univeristy of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. See more of her work here.

Field Testing: Boston

Summer 2024

Boston is home to over 60 colleges and universities. What happens at these schools shapes the views and values of campuses across the US.

We spent three weeks with a lively and diverse group of 20+ students from Boston schools and beyond. We asked them to incorporate ‘How to Body Life’ into the rhythm of their summer mission together.

They had plenty of strong opinions.

We watched their interactions. We listened, took notes, and asked for more feedback. Every day we made changes to our prototype and came back with something better.

What you are seeing now is what made the cut. These same students are excited to see how this training might bring strength and momentum to their own movements’ Body Life Witness.

We will continue to iterate to do the best we can to meet the needs of the students on your campus.