When should our campus use this training?
How to Body Life is designed for groups, large or small.
Imagine times when you would want to gather your leaders to:
set direction and talk about DNA
focus on evangelism as a movement
train disciples
host a special outreach
Idea Generator
First Six Weeks
What if all your student leaders were trained in the four Body Life practices from the moment the first freshman arrived on campus? Create a culture of comprehensive evangelism with a focus on modeling each and celebrating those who embody these practices within the movement.
Fall Retreat
Check it out. We have a plug-and-play Fall Retreat template you can use and customize to fit the needs of your movement.
Winter Conference
We can host workshops and hands-on seminars for conference participants.
Workshop: You Y’all will be my witnesses: It’s a story to big to tell alone.
Do you ever feel like it depends on “you” to share the gospel with your non-Christian friends?
Body Life witness gives you “backup” by creating opportunities to connect your non-Christian friends to the larger body of believers.
Are you hesitant to share your faith? Pick up 4 game-changing skills that will equip you to share Christ with your campus ministry, together!
Spring Break
This is a perfect season to show a watching world what we believe as the body of Christ. What if we invited our friends to join us for an alternative spring break bringing clean water to international communities in need?
Today’s students long to belong. Swimming in a sea of curated content, our students seek connections in communities where they can be their authentic selves. Critical skillsets need to be developed to be a witness for Christ:
Micro-testimonies. Short stories that focus on authentic struggles and how we found a new way in Christ.
Invitation and Welcome. These two skill sets and practices are the bedrock for helping outsiders come into the family of Christ.
Closing the Distance. Closing the distance involves any intentional effort to move closer in physical and relational proximity to those who do not know Jesus.
When we close the distance we follow the lead of the one who became flesh (incarnate) and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.
Summer Mission
We all want a culture of evangelism on our summer mission. What if you build How To Body Life into your comprehensive evangelism plan?